Deadpool Trailer (NSFW)

I don’t know about you but I don’t think I’ve been more excited for a movie than I am for this one. The Merc with a Mouth has finally made it to the big screen in the best possible way… None of that “mouth sewn shut” stuff from his last appearance.

New in Theaters July 17th 2015

No Surprise the third installment of the Despicable Me franchise this time featuring just the Minions in an aptly titled movie is number one at the box office. The giant Dino megahit Jurassic World is in number two while Pixar’s wonderful emotional treat Inside Out holds on to number 3. But that’s old news, here’s what’s coming out this week.

download (10)Ant Man is something people either will love or hate. If you’re a super hero fan, you’ve been excited for this one all year. If you love Paul Rudd, you’ve been super excited for this one all year. If you don’t like either of these things, you’re probably the one going around telling people how stupid this looks. I’ll admit, Ant Man just sounds like they are scraping the bottle of the barrel for superhero movies. None the less, Rudd’s witty charm might offer up something different than just straight action. Then again, they thought Ryan Reynolds would do that for the Green Lantern but… Rotten Tomatoes says 77 percent!

download (11)Trainwreck is another highly anticipated film because Judd Apatow can do no wrong. Well in my eyes anyway, I thought Funny People and This is 40 were just as good as all the rest of his films. This time he just directs Amy Schumer in a script she wrote. She is probably one of the hottest people on the planet right now so there’s automatic buzz from that. If her skits are any indication on how this is going to be, it might just be a smash hit that will win Apatow fans back over. Critics seem to think so giving it a whopping 93 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

download (12)Then there’s Woody Allen, one of the greatest filmmakers of all time who still amazingly pumps out a film a year. Irrational Man stars Joaquin Phoenix who is another one of those people who can do no wrong, especially in the last few years. Throw Emma Stone into the mix and you’ve most likely got a typical Woody film fans will see no matter what. This one is about an existential professor going through a mid life crisis… very Woody Allen indeed. Rotten Tomatoes says 40 percent.

download (13)download (14)Or there’s Mr. Holmes, a British movie fan’s wet dream. Ian McKellen plays an elderly Sherlock Holmes coming out of retirement for one last case. The Stanford Prison Experiment is a dramatization of a true story where students are used as prison guards and forced into mock situations for tests. That’s what’s playing for the week of July 17th, happy movie watching.

First Half of 2015

Happy Canada Day, and while I’d love to do a tribute to our finest Canadians in film, today also marks an important day of the year! We’re half way through 2015! Out of nowhere this year just sped away and now we’re left in the middle of summer with blockbusters coming at us left and right. We’re also half way done the movie year so I thought it would be a good thing to look back and see what rocked the box office, stirred a little controversy, and made movie news in the first six months of 2015.
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New in Theaters June 26th 2015

I was wrong. Inside Out didn’t beat Jurassic World… well in box office gross that is. The dino flick is still in number one while Inside Out is in number two, but it did earn critical raves and has been called one of the best Pixar movies, so that in itself is pretty impressive. Surprisingly, Spy is still in third place, proving that it’s a dynamite original comedy. But that’s old news, here’s what’s coming out this week. Continue reading



In 2012, comedy nerds everywhere were heartbroken when the Lonely Island left Saturday Night Live. Their Digital Shorts from “Dick in a Box” to “The Creep” became instant hits and completely changed how the legendary show was seen or accessed. They helped kick Youtube and file sharing into high gear with “Lazy Sunday.” And they even made a successful comedy you may have forgotten about called Hot Rod. It’s been ten years since they got onto the show, seven years since they made that movie and three since they departed to do other things. Guess what that other thing is? A new movie!

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Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman-Arkham-Knight-Game-HD-Wallpaper-1080pToday we take on the role of The Bat yet again in Batman Arkham Knight. The conclusion to Rocksteady’s a beloved Batman Arkham trilogy. And yes I am awear there are four games now, and no Batman: Origins does not count since it was not developed by Rocksteady but by WB Montreal. Batman is up against his baddest foe yet, boredom!
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New in Theaters June 19th 2015


Anyone heard of Jurassic World? Cha… right! It’s only just become the highest box office opener of all time. Apparently people have been excited for this one… who would have thought that? Obviously that’s the big earner at the box office so need I say more? This week it might just have a run for its money with the new highly anticipated Pixar movie. But that’s kind of old news, here’s what’s coming out this week.

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Goombas Giveaways: Kingsmen Edition

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ATTENTION! ATTENTION!! Please avert your eyes from everything else on your Facebook and focus them on us, right here. I don’t care if you are watching a video of a cute cat or dog who happens to have super stubby legs and do cute things. All eyes on us, we have something FREE for you all. Oh Yea that’s right Freeeeeeeeeee! Everyone loves free stuff. I especially love free pizza. Unfortunately I don’t have pizza but I do have something for you to watch while eating pizza.

We will be giving away a brand new copy of Kingsmen: The Secret Service.

To be eligible you must live in Canada and you have to like our Facebook page and share our Goombas Giveaway post. (Please see below for links to Facebook and Twitter) The moment we reach 175 likes on the page we will be making the draw and will contact the winner.

This is going to be the first of hopefully many giveaways brought to you by Goombas Gone Wild and it’s CEO, Me, Garret Olsen. As well we are not sponsored by Facebook in anyway and this giveaway comes out of our own pocket.

Please share us with all your friends and family. We have a passion and we want to share it with the world.

Thank you,

Garret Olsen aka XTheSymbioteX

Goombas Gone Wild

Lethbridge, Alberta

A Little E3 Knowledge for You

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One Of the biggest weeks in the gaming calendar is upon us. The Electronic Entertainment Expo or “E3” as it’s more commonly known is in full effect right now. Starting off with Bethesdas conference yesterday  and continuing through out the week. We have seen Microsoft bring in some huge exclusives, EA showing off the future of Need for Speed and their many sport franchises. Ubisoft showed off a new ip but more on all of these at a later time. Nintendo’s press conference starts off early Tuesday morning and after that we will see developers and creators showing off the greatest and newest tech innovations. This ladies and gentleman is where the future is revealed.

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